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The Creditors Database

Current information on Bad Actors

Get the latest information supplied by the industry on accounts that are in default or have turned into bad debts. Avoid costly mistakes in granting credit to these accounts and related companies and it's employees in the future. We are here to save you money and prevent losses in the future.

What is the Credit Network?

About Us

We are a National credit reporting agency dealing with B to B business. Our goal is to inform the business community of current information concerning certain companies that are poorly run and do not pay their bills.

We also inform the business community of those related parties that hide behind the corporate shield and continue to take advantage of good businesses. The information included in our reports are volunteer information from the credit community and reflects only their experiences with individuals, companies, and other organizations. Other information is obtained directly from courts both federal and state which is public information. Our job is to combine this information all together to make the inquiries easy to obtain.

Why Become A Member of the Credit Network

Have the ability to look at current information before you grant credit to individuals and businesses not currently available. Many organizations' data is months to years old, our site as current information on many companies. 


For current bankruptcies, Officers prior to bankrupcy filings, skip tracing, and future fraudulent attempts to obtain credit by companies or individuals.


Data is organized and searchable by names, owners, officers, dba's, addresses, phone numbers, and associates. 

Register for Free


Please share your information on customers and individuals who have not paid their bills as they promised they would. Our goal is to bring these individuals to transparency and help you identify them prior to losing money in the future.

Membership Plans



Register Plan

Build the database. This allows you time to enter data into our database to help other Creditors avoid future bad debts.

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Most Popular


per month

Solo Plan

Monthly plan available for one credit manager to access through one IP address and enjoy the information provided by an entire community of credit managers.

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per month

Team Plan

This authorizes up to 5 individuals working as a Team in a credit department to access information from the network. This will allow for the sharing of information for the entire group.

Sign Up

Help Grow Our Database

Report Bad Actors

Help others as you help your own company avoid unnecessary legal fees and bad debts by joining us now. You may enter as much factual information as you have as long as it is not currently in dispute.

This site is not a site to report disagreements with customers. This site is only to report the last attempt after all else fails to collect from those that cannot be found and are not making any attempt to satisfy their debts to you. So help us report the Bad Actors to the entire community of businesses that pay their bills. 

Report Bad Actors

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Have Any Questions?

Contact Us with Anything

We are here to help you at the same time you are helping us. Please email us with any questions you may have and we will supply you with our many years of knowledge concerning credit collections and providing unsecured credit.

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